Minggu, 08 September 2013

Ludwig Van Beethoven


·        Nama Panjang: Ludwig Van Beethoven
·        Nama Panggilan: Beethoven
·        Nama Kecil: Ludwig van Beethoven
·        Tanggal Lahir: 17 Desember 1770
·        Tempat Lahir: Kota Bonn, Germany
·        Hobby: Bermain Musik
·        Pekerjaan: Pembuat  Symphoni
·        Ayah: Johann van Beethoven
·        Ibu: Maria Magdalena Keverich
·        Wafat: 26 Maret 1827
·        Karya-Karya: 9 simfoni, 32 sonata piano, 5 piano concerto, 10 sonata untuk piano dan biola, serangkaian kuartet gesek yang menakjubkan, musik vokal, musik teater, dan banyak lagi

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013


A. Pengertian Invitation
Invitation (undangan) adalah dokumen yang ditulis/ dicetak atau dibicarakan langsung yang berisi pesan untuk mengundang seseorang.

Invitation is a document written or printed or spoken words, conveying the message by which one is invited

B. Ungkapan Invitation

A. I invite you to come………
*Contoh:  I invite you to come to my birthday party, this afternoon ( 2.00 pm) in my house, jl. Pemuda no.67 Klaten.
B. Come to ………..
*Contoh: Come to the class-meeting on Friday, November 23th 2007 in on school  at 4.00 pm. Come on time!
C. I would like to invite you….
*Contoh: I would like to invite you to participate in the English contest that will be held next Monday,  November, 26th 2007 in SMP 1 Surakarta.
D. I thank /hope for coming…..
*Contoh: I hope for  coming in the next study club of class IX that will be  
held every  Sunday in our school, at 9.00 am-12.00 a.m. Thank you.
E. I hope you could come to….
*Contoh: I hope you could come to the meeting in order to prepare our schools’s program, today, in the OSIS room.
F. I’ll wait you to come….
*Contoh: I’ll wait you to come to see the biggest music show in JEC, on Sunday, December 25th 2007, 9.00 am – 2.00 p.m.
G. Would you please come to…
*Contoh: Would you please come to the configuration of the students of our school tonight.
H. I’ll be glad if you could come to….
*Contoh: I’ll be glad if you could come to my house to have dinner together with my family tonight.
I. Would you please come to….
*Contoh: Would you please come to school to support Our basketball team this afternoon.
J. Do you fancy coming to……
*Contoh: Do you fancy coming to my engagement party at July 13th 2010 at  my house?

C. Ungkapan untuk menerima ajakan atau undangan ( accepting invitation ).

A.   Yes, Iam very glad to receive your invitation.
B.   Ok. I will come to your party.
C.   Your invitation is very interesting. I like it.
D.   That’s good idea to go there. I agree with you.
E.    I hope I could come there.
F.    It’s fantastic. Good idea!

D. Ungkapan untuk menolak ajakan ( refusing/ ignoring/ rejecting/ declining) invitation.

A.     I’ve received you letter, but I am sorry I can’t
B.     It’s good idea, but I can’t go there. I am very busy
C.     What a party ?,  I have to lot of works, so I can’t receive your nice invitation.
D.     It’s very sorry that I can’t do to your party
E.      Well, your invitation to go to Mount Bromo in very nice, but It’s too cold for me. I can’t stand it
F.    I am not sure I can go there. Maybe next time.
G.   I disagree with your idea to go to the beach. Any other idea?
H.   I am afraid I can’t. Your house is too far, so I can’t go there alone at night.
I.       Oh, I’ll go to somewhere else by the time you will be having a party.
J.      I don’t think I can. No one can fetch me to go there. I don’t know the place.

E. Contoh  Dialog Invitation Menerima

Dialog 1:

Santi       : Hi, thes. what are you doing tonight ??
Thesa      : I'll just stay at home .
Santi       : Well, would you like to come my birthday tonight ??
Thesa      : Oh, you are going to celebrate your birthday, what time ??
Santi       : at 6 p.m. don't be late .
Thesa      : All right ! thank's for you to invite me .
Santi       : Okay. see you tonight. good bye ..
Thesa     : bye bye ..:)
Dialog 2:

Ludi Invites Maya to go to a Movie

*Ludi    :  Hi, Maya. There will be a great film tonight. It’s about vampire. Would you like to go to the movie with me?
*Maya  : Yes, I’d like tonvery much. When will you pick me up?
*Ludi    :  I’ll pick you at 7.00. Be ready, OK!
*Maya  : Alright.

F. Contoh Dialog Invitation Menolak

Dialog 1:

*Bella  :  Hello, this is Bella. May I spweak to Rudi ?
*Rudi  :  This is Rudi Speaking
*Bella  :  Oh, Hi Rudi. I wonder if you do like to come to my house right now ?, We are having a great party
*Rudi  :   I don’t think I can. I’m diong my homework. My Parents won’t let me out before I finish my homework
*Bella  :  That’s alright
*Rudi  :  I hope you enjoy your party. Bye
*Bella  :  Bye

E. Contoh Gambar Invitation

A. Birth Day Party

B. Hellowen Party Card

C. Baby Shower Card

D. Wedding Paty